08 Dec EP. 14: Trauma-Informed Storytelling with Maria Bryan

Welcome back to the Rebel Maker podcast. I am so stoked to have Maria Bryan as my guest today. Maria is a trauma-informed storytelling trainer. She helps nonprofit leaders tell powerful and impactful stories that resist harm and is a firm believer that storytellers make the world a healthier, safer, cleaner, and happier place. And I could not agree more.
We talk about protecting yourself as an author when writing about your trauma, protecting your audience from being triggered by trauma in your writing, and using your story to create an impact.
In this episode:
- [03:11] Marias’s journey from studying print journalism to trauma-informed storytelling
- [05:53] What is trauma-informed storytelling?
- [10:56] Trauma-informed writing
- [14:48] Self-care for authors – and reaching out to your support system when reliving trauma while writing
- [22:36] Writing trauma in a way that is not triggering to your readers
- [28:26] Using trauma as a marketing technique and what we can do instead
- [36:44] Are you really ready to tell your story?
- [38:32] Using a story to impact people for change
Noteworthy quotes from this episode:
“We have to tell stories in order to make the world a better place. We have to, it’s foundational. It’s the first step. It’s stories that change hearts and minds.”