EP. 21: Lifting The Fog Off Of Publishing with Marti Statler, The Rebel Queen

The Rebel Maker episode 21. Lifting The Fog Off Of Publishing, One Episode At A Time with The Rebel Maker Podcast featured image

Welcome back to The Rebel Maker Podcast! In this episode, we’re kicking off Season 2 of the podcast with a solo episode because you and me, we need to talk.

Amazing guests have joined us in Season 1 and we uncovered a lot about publishing, writing books, making money as an author, finding your voice, selling, and much more.

But in this new season, I want to have more 1:1 conversations with you. And we’re starting with the why behind The Rebel Maker Podcast and my own story in the publishing industry.

Ready? Buckle up because you’re in for a treat.

In this episode:

  • [02:00] How I got started in publishing
  • [05:34] Why I started my company Rebel Queen
  • [06:37] Why I started The Rebel Maker Podcast
  • [09:09] What you’ll get in a Clarity Call with me

Resources from this episode:

Noteworthy quotes from this episode:

“So, the goal for The Rebel Maker is for you guys to listen, find value in what’s being said, find some sort of inspiration that you can take your next best step towards whatever that is writing your book, publishing your book, starting a business, I don’t know… Whatever your next step is.”


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