E23 Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing? All You Need To Know To Decide Which One Is Best For You

The Rebel Maker episode 23 Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing? All You Need To Know To Decide Which One Is Best For You - featured image

Welcome back to The Rebel Maker Podcast and welcome to the second solo episode of the podcast. I promised to have more 1:1 conversations with you and I’m delivering. Today we’re going to talk about the difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing.

There are so many different publishing models out there that it’s hard to decide which one is for you. That’s why today I’m sharing a few things you need to know so you can make an informed decision about how you want to publish your book.

In this episode:

  • [02:18] The traditional model: the first publishing company I worked with
  • [05:19] The advance and how it works
  • [06:28] Royalties and how much money you can make from the sales of your book
  • [08:39] Marketing and building your audience
  • [10:22] Intellectual Property Rights and what it means to sign them away
  • [15:21] How Rebel Queen publishes books and what makes us different
  • [18:30] What it looks like to work with Marti

Resources from this episode:

Book a Clarity Call with me at rebelqueen.co/contact.

Review The Rebel Maker on Apple Podcasts.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode:

“I am for you. I am for your success. And I am for that which you think is best for you.”


Book a call: www.rebelqueen.co/contact