E24. Ditching the Golden Handcuffs and Grabbing Life by the Dreams with Karin Freeland

The Rebel Maker Episode 24. Ditching the Golden Handcuffs and Grabbing Life by the Dreams with Karin Freeland - featured image

Welcome back to The Rebel Maker podcast. I have Karin Freeland with me today and we are talking about going through a midlife awakening, dropping out of corporate to pursue what fulfills you, and self-publishing two books.

After over 15 years in the corporate environment, Karin Freeland left to “Grab Life by the Dreams” and become an author and life coach. Today, she is an award-winning author of two books and a certified Life Reinvention Coach focused on helping professional women transform their lives, overcome fears, and achieve their dreams without sacrificing time with family and friends, their health, or self-care. Tune in for a conversation that goes deep really quickly and shows the realness behind reinventing oneself.

In this episode:

  • [03:38] Karin’s “Oh, Shit!” moment when she experienced loss in the family
  • [07:34] Midlife awakening versus midlife crisis
  • [08:45] The spark that ignites: starting to write a memoir
  • [13:42] Ditching the golden handcuffs
  • [18:06] How Karin figured out her coaching business
  • [25:09] How publishing two books has unexpectedly fulfilled her
  • [29:50] Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself
  • [34:00] Marketing the first book and the sales she saw  
  • [39:09] How having the first book helped the second book sales
  • [40:27] Books open doors that are not normally opened for you

Resources from this episode:

Check out Karin’s first book The Ins and Outs of My Vagina: A Penetrating Memoir.

Go to Karin’s campaign to raise money for the Alliance for Period Supplies here.

Check out Karin’s latest book Grab Life by the Dreams.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode:

“Not wanting to seem ungrateful is not reason enough to stay in an unfulfilling situation.”


Website:  karinfreeland.com