E30. Tax Basics for Authors: Personal Tax Returns, Book Sales Tax, and How to Find the Right CPA with Dawn Scott

The Rebel Maker episode 30. Tax Basics for Authors: Personal Tax Returns, Book Sales Tax, and How to Find the Right CPA with Dawn Scott featured image

Dawn Scott has spent almost 20 years helping entrepreneurs streamline their businesses and get comfortable with the accounting and tax side of their businesses. .

If you are an author looking to sell your books and wondering about the tax implications of it, make sure to tune in to this episode so you’re equipped to sell your books without worry.

In this episode:

  • [02:03] Meet Dawn and what makes her different from your average CPA
  • [09:17] Transitioning from athlete to accountant
  • [13:42] Meeting people where they’re at and building a safe place
  • [20:16] Sales Tax 101 for authors selling their books
  • [28:51] Using a Single-Member LLC versus your Social Security Number
  • [31:32] Online Sales Tax 101
  • [33:41] Personal Tax Returns as an author
  • [41:50] How to find a CPA that’s right for you

Resources from this episode:

Check out Dawn’s insanely cost-efficient online course Empowered Taxes: Tax Basics for Entrepreneurs.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode:

“A lot of times, I’m one of the only people they can talk to about it candidly. And I take that as a really big responsibility.” – Dawn Scott


Website: theempoweredcpa.com